it’s only at the expense of the victim
Onderstaand citaat is geplukt uit de video die de Amerikaans youtuber D’Angelo Wallace op 17 oktober 2019 postte: ‘cole carrigan ‘not everything is what it seems to be online’’ . Over de lichtzinnigheid waarmee sommige influencers op sociale media suggestieve verhalen brengen over vermeende daders en slachtoffers, hoe dit drama ons bezighoudt ten koste van de betrokkenen en het eigenbelang dat daarachter schuilgaat.
What I truly believe is that we shouldn’t be talking about this. Misconduct allegations, life-threatening issues, criminal activity, these are the kinds of things that don’t get fixed by talking about them on the internet, but definitely get worse. Its not like some old tweets here and there. The reason this doesn’t work online is because the internet doesn’t have respect for victims; it puts all its energy into bringing down the accused. People don’t care about how the people who have been hurt feel, they just want to see somebody get taken down.
People think that drama is a game and we’re all the players, but the issue is these influencers see us as the pieces. They don’t even have to have a straight story anymore, as long as you’re talking about it, they’re profiting. So if they can manipulate us into having these conversations that we should never have had in the first place, it’s free “entertainment” for us, free money for them, and it’s only at the expense of the actual victim.
D’Angelo Wallace, gisteren 22 geworden, is een Amerikaanse youtuber met een van de snelstgroeiende ‘commentary channels’. Zijn heldere en genuanceerde commentaren op de ‘drama channels’ vallen kennelijk in de smaak.